هذه الصفحة غير متاحة بلغتك حالياً.

Deliver expert legal advice, everywhere you do business

Apply your expertise internationally, with the specialist Language AI that can tailor translations to the legal context. Generate compliant contracts across languages and jurisdictions, quickly translate local regulations and analysis for research, and deliver clear advice that’s always secure and confidential.

Generate accurate and legally operable contracts and other documents in over 30 languages, saving on time and cost.

Stay on top of local regulations

Quickly research new legislation for different jurisdictions with instant translations for Chrome, Firefox and Microsoft Edge.

Lead the way on compliance

Stay fully compliant with strict GDPR, data privacy and security standards.

  • Market-leading translations that grasp legal context and ensure consistency

  • Translate contracts, briefs and court filings in a matter of seconds, within their original formatting

  • Eliminate the need to cut and paste translation text into unsecured environments

  • Keep translations of legal definitions, terminology and concepts consistent, with DeepL’s unique glossary technology

  • Communicate with your global teams in the language of their choice, cutting out misunderstandings and ambiguity

  • Instantly translate emails and other communications with regulators, partners and customers, through ready-to-use Outlook and Gmail integrations

  • Integrate the DeepL API into internal tools for instant translation of legal terms

"As lawyers, we all work internationally. In the old days, we had a complex translation process with service providers. It would take two weeks to return error-ridden contracts that required multiple revisions. Now, we just press a button, and the correct translation comes back instantly. It's quite amazing. Those language barriers are now gone. It no longer matters where your business is located—with the help of AI, everyone can operate digital businesses from anywhere."

Dr. Axel Frhr. von dem BusscheLL.M. (L.S.E.), CIPP/E, Partner at Taylor Wessing

Stay secure and compliant

Lead the way on compliance with communication and documentation that’s always confidential and secure:

رسم تخطيطي ثلاثي الأبعاد ومتعدد الطبقات يضم أربع طبقات رئيسة عناوينها "TRAINING DATA" (بيانات التدريب)، و"LANGUAGE AI MODEL" (نموذج الحلول اللغوية القائمة على الذكاء الاصطناعي)، و"SECURITY LAYER" (طبقة الأمان) مظللة باللون الأزرق الغامق، و"USER DATA" (بيانات المستخدم). وهناك كتلتان أصغر حجماً تحملان عبارتَي "مُترجِم" و"Voice" تتّصلان بطبقة "بيانات المستخدم". لون هذه الخلفية رمادي فاتح.
  • Full GDPR compliance with data residency in the EU
  • Secure access management so that only authorized people can use your translation tools
  • Wholly controlled servers that are ISO 27001 compliant and SOC 2 type 2 attested
  • Data is never stored without consent, and never used to train DeepL’s own models
لقطة شاشة للواجهة البينية التي تسمح باختيار اللغة، تظهر فيها قائمة منسدلة تضم لغات عديدة، منها الهولندية التي تم اختيارها. الخلفية باللون الأخضر الفاتح، وتوجد أيقونات لرصد اللغة وتبديلها.

Generate accurate document translations that are legally enforceable

Localize entire legal documents, retaining context, formatting and structure.

Speed research by accurately translating foreign laws and regulations

Get instant translations to stay compliant across jurisdictions, as your business grows.

لقطة شاشة تُظهر رسالة على Gmail من آنا م. تقول: "You double-checked every last clause...right". يتوفر إلى جانب الرسالة مربع نصي مكتوب عليه "Could you please confirm that this has been reviewed" وزر يحمل النص "Improve". لون هذه الخلفية أزرق فاتح.

Communicate clearly with international teams and clients

Cut out mistranslations and inconsistencies with the right legal terms in every language.

Ready to elevate your global communication?

Experience the transformative power of DeepL. Improve efficiency and accuracy across all your legal translation and writing workflows.

رسم توضيحي ثلاثيّ الأبعاد يضم أربع كتل أسطوانية مكتوب عليها "ابدأ" بلغات مختلفة، بما في ذلك الإنكليزية ("Start")، والألمانية ("Starten")، والكورية، واليونانية. الكتل مرتبة على قاعدة غامقة اللون ذات خلفية فاتحة اللون.